"Transport" announces the availability of 127 vacancies for both sexes


Submitted by "Merit" on the website of the Department of Public Service

The Department of Transport has announced the availability of 127 vacancies for graduates and graduates who possess and have appropriate degrees and specializations for men and women. And those with degrees and specializations, to fill the advertised positions covered by the salary of "technical and administrative" officials wishing to apply through the system of employment "deserves" on the website of the Ministry of Public Service.

The total number of grilled positions In this declaration, 127 vacancies were clbadified as "men and women", as follows:

1. Fourth place (29 male jobs only)

2. Fifth place (31 jobs for men only)

4. Seventh (47 positions for men – two for women)

5. Eighth rank (one for men – 5 for women)

For submission to ministerial missions Transport on the website of the Ministry of Public Service (here) on the following dates:

1 – Men of 1439/10 / 19H until 1439/10/21 AH

2- Women from 1439/10/21 AH until 1439/10 /

"Transport" announces the availability of 127 vacancies for both bades

Detailed: The Ministry of Transport, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Civil Service Citizens and citizens with diplomas and specializations, to fill advertised positions covered by the salary of public employees "technical and administrative" wishing to apply by the employment system "merit" on the website of the Ministry of Public Service.

Total number of jobs covered by this advertisement 127 The number of men and women is as follows:

1. Fourth place (29 male jobs only)

2. Fifth place (31 jobs for men only)

4. Seventh (47 jobs for men – two for women)

5. Eighth rank (one for men – 5 for women)

Ministry of the Public Service (here) on the following dates:

1 – Men from 1439/10 / 19H until 1439/10 / 21H

2- Women from 1439/10/21 AH until 1439/10 / 26H

] 02 July 2018 – 18 Shawwal 1439


Submitted by "merit" on Mo

] The Ministry of Transport has announced the availability of 127 vacancies for graduates and graduates who have obtained appropriate diplomas and specializations for men and women

Detailed: the Ministry of Transport in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport Public Service The number of jobs covered by this announcement was 127 vacancies, "men and women". (1965-955), the fifth rank (31 jobs for men only).

The sixth rank (6 male jobs – 6 female jobs)

4- Seventh rank (47 jobs for men – 2 for women)

5- Eighth rank (one for men – 5 for men women)

For submission to the Ministère des Transports Here are the dates:

1. Men from 1439/10 / 19H until 1439/10/21 H.

2. Women from 1439/10/21 AH until 1439/10/26 H.

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