Treatment of overactive bladder


News: Treatment of overactive bladder in Botox, we always want to provide you with special news content to receive your satisfaction through our news site News News website, a site dedicated to News was created in 2016 to offer you a complete news on the Arab and international scene Many reliable sources of information, where we are eager to follow all that is new on the political arena, technical and sports and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the news site, the treatment of overactive bladder Botox, hoping to get your satisfaction and

Thursday, July 26, 2018 19:05 News News The problem of overactive bladder is one of the health problems that many people are facing and the bladder system is suffering from some kind of dysfunction. ns its function In storage that leads to urination in the urine or can lead to the exit of urine automatically and suddenly and can be difficult to control and this problem has several ways of treatment, including Botox treatment, which we will discuss with you.

Symptoms of Overactive Bladder
Many patients with overactive bladder experience several symptoms, including:
1 – urinating more frequently and more frequently than at the time of day. ; usual.
2 – Feel a strong desire to urinate
3. Polycarbonate leak preventing to reach the bathroom or catch the urine.
4. Waking up to urinate more than once during the night, which causes the patient's insomnia.

Common abnormalities of the nervous system with vesical hyperplasia syndrome
1. Parkinson's disease
2. Multiple sclerosis
3. Dementia
4. Cerebrovascular accident
5. Diabetes.
6 – spinal cord malformation and pelvic trauma
7 – low levels of estrogen in women due to menopause.

Treatment of Hyperactivity Syndrome with Botox
If some forms of treatment such as bladder training and diet in foods and drinks fail, Botox treats the problem using a complete examination of the shape and movement of the bladder muscles. .

Botox injections were successful in treating the bladder wall, which had an overactive bladder rate of up to 80% and patients experienced a significant improvement in bladder symptoms after having took this treatment.

Botox injections are part of the bladder, which makes the bladder more relaxed and chewy, so that the patient can continue longer before feeling the need to empty the bladder, which reduces cravings. ;urinate.

Many doctors have indicated that Botox can relieve the symptoms of overactive bladder and that, in most cases, this drug is prescribed if patients do not benefit from any of the prescribed Botox medications is one of the most powerful treatments to solve this problem.

Some doctors add that the benefits of Botox treatment is not to expose the patient to side effects caused by the usual medications such as dry mouth, dry eyes, low blood pressure, constipation, and pain. ;other stuff.

In the treatment of the activity of the hyper-bladder, the introduction of a thin tube called a cystoscope holding a small camera attached to the tube to help the surgeon to look at inside the bladder.

Through this tube, several Botox injections are injected into the site determined by the doctor on the wall of the bladder and the effect of Botox is immediately shown after injection, this intervention being performed under the influence of general anesthesia.

After the operation, the patient can urinate without problems and start to show Botox effects after 7 days of injection, the effect can last from 6 months to 12 months and is a quick procedure for a minimum of discomfort.

There are potential health risks such as cystitis that the patient may consult a urologist for his treatment and may then return one after returning to work the next day Botox injections to request an appointment and a followed after one week of injection.

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