Treatment of skin cancer with olive oil


News: The treatment of skin cancer with olive oil, we always want to provide distinctive information content to receive your satisfaction through our news site. A news site was created in 2016 to provide comprehensive news content on the Arab and international scene Many reliable sources of information, where we are eager to follow all that is new on the political, technical and sports scene and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the News website, the treatment of skin cancer with olive oil [19659002] Sunday, July 22, 2018 16:05 Cancer is one of the most common diseases of the recent period and to this day, doctors are seeking the treatment and elimination of this disease and the l? One of the Types of Treatments Which doctors have discovered the amazing benefits of cancer is the use of olive oil in the treatment of skin cancer in particular.

The effect of olive oil on skin cancer:
– Japanese scientists have discovered that exposure of the skin to oil olive after sun exposure was to be a good quality olive oil. Skin tests were performed and scientific experiments were conducted on non – carrier mice and it was discovered that the use of olive oil on the skin greatly protects against the skin. exposure to skin cancer if it is transmitted to the skin.

– Normal olive oil was sprayed on a group of mice and exposed to sunlight. Another group of rats painted high quality olive oil on their bodies and was exposed to the sun. The olives were exposed to the sun.

Eighteen weeks later, cancerous tumors began to appear on the group of sun-exposed mice without olive oil on their skin, mice that developed olive oil normal were better and the last type of olive oil of high quality It was not exposed to any type of skin cancer until twenty four weeks later.

– The middle clbad was less damaged because it caused damage to the structure of DNA in the skin, and olive oil is rich in antioxidants These substances absorb the effects harmful ultraviolet rays that come from the sun The penetration of ultraviolet rays does not prevent skin penetration, explains one of the doctors specializing in skin diseases that they do not have. have finally not heard using olive oil and fat on the skin.

– Olive oil can not cause any damage to the skin, since it is a natural substance that acts as a good moisturizer for the skin, but it Be aware that continuous exposure to sunlight causes skin cancer. For accurate results of olive oil protection of the incidence of skin cancer, especially that this study has been applied to animals that have a different nature of the skin. ;man.
A recent medical study found that the benefits of high quality virgin olive oil cure all cancers, especially those of the skin because olive oil contains a substance that helps kill bacteria and kill tumors Cancer research has discovered that the substance that destroys cancer cells is the oleocanthal and its effect on animals and humans and has had a significant impact on them and actually protects them from exposure to skin cancer.

: Treatment of skin cancer with olive oil, we inform you of our dear visitors Ali Hbadan, follow us, hope to be informed of the news in full transparency and credibility, cure cancer of skin with olive oil

News: Treatment of skin cancer with olive oil – News News – News Journal – News: Cure cancer of the skin with olive oil [Archives] 19659005] Source: M. {Jsid = id = facebook-jssdk}; if (d.getElementById (id)) {return}} js = d.createElement (& # 39; script & # 39;); = id; js.async = true; js.src = "";d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(js); } (document)); [ad_2]
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