Trump complains about the price of oil and accuses OPEC


US President Donald Trump said oil prices were high and continued to attack the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), accusing them of monopolizing and pushing for more price increases.

He added – in a tweet on Twitter on Twitter – that OPEC was pushing prices up at a time when the United States was defending many members of the organization (not mentioned) for a bit d & # 39; money. "This is not the first time Trump has attacked OPEC: In an interview with Fox News four days ago, the organization was accused of manipulating world oil prices," he said. Trump said.

The OPEC also decided last week to increase its production "less than we wish," he said. And they have to increase their production by two million barrels. "

" We must not forget that one of the drawbacks of the United States exit from the nuclear agreement with Iran is the loss of much oil, and that the countries of OPEC must compensate for the lack of oil production. "

" I have a very good relationship with the King of Saudi Arabia and his Crown Prince and other countries, and they should increase oil production. "

OPEC members and independent producers from outside began early 2017 to implement the agreement to reduce oil production. production of 1.8 million barrels, with the end of the agreement in December 2018, in order to control the sharp price declines on the markets.

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