Trump publishes a letter sent to him by the North Korean leader


US President Donald Trump once again expressed his optimism about the rapprochement with North Korea, taking an unprecedented diplomatic step Thursday by issuing a "very kind" message sent by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un [19659002].

Trump posted the message via Twitter, commenting, "We are registering" and described as "very nice."

In this letter, the North Korean leader asked Trump for "concrete steps" to promote "This confidence will allow him to hold a new meeting, after the historic summit of June 12 in Singapore between him and the US president." I am convinced that a strong will and sincere efforts, combined with the unified approach we have adopted, "The first meeting with you, Mr. President, and the joint statement we signed in Singapore it 24 days ago was in fact the beginning of an important process. "

" Mr. President, I hope your deep trust in the world will be strengthened The next step is through concrete actions. I am confident that historic progress in strengthening relations between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States will allow for a new meeting. "

At the Trump summit, Kim reiterated her commitment to" working toward "the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. But the modalities for implementing nuclear disarmament have not been clearly defined. The summit did not result in a specific timetable for the dismantling of the North Korean nuclear arsenal.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was mandated to negotiate a "complete denuclearization" program on the Korean peninsula

. Was very constructive during his visit to Pyongyang on July 6 and 6 with the second official of the North Korean regime, Kim Yong-chul.

But as soon as Pompeo left Pyongyang, the North Korean Foreign Ministry criticized the United States as "very unfortunate" Singapore Spiritual Agreement

"The United States makes a fatal mistake when it considers that North Korea is forced to accept […] demands that reflect a gang mentality ".

The letter sent by Kim Lertembe dated the day before the launch The North Koreans have these radical positions. But Trump decided to publish it despite this

A few days before Pompeo's visit to Pyongyang, many US media reported that North Korea still tried, according to US intelligence, to hide some of its nuclear arsenal. State Department spokesman Heather Noyert said the US and North Korean authorities would discuss the return of the remains of US soldiers killed during the Korean War between 1950 and 1953, but not Thursday.

Pompeo confirmed Sunday in Took The sanctions imposed on North Korea will remain in force until "complete and fully verifiable nuclear disarmament".

The United States asked the United Nations on Thursday to stop in 2018 the difficulty of the diplomatic process. A new oil export to North Korea, based on a US report confirming that the country has exceeded import quotas set by a series of sanctions by the end of 2017.

This US request was formulated in a letter addressed to the person responsible for the North Korean file. "We are asking the 1718 Committee to send an urgent note to all Member States and a press release to inform them that North Korea has violated the 2018 refined petroleum import quotas such as those of the United States. in resolution 2397 "

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