Trump Secret Recording: The FBI and Playboy


The New York Times newspaper reported today that one of Donald Trump's attorneys had recently recorded a robbery involving both men to pay money to an old woman on the cover from Playboy magazine, Trump had a supposed relationship with her.

Investigators from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) took notice of the case during a search of the offices of Michael E. Kooheen, a close badociate of the US president.

She said the dialogue between the two involved the former cover-girl of Playboy magazine. Karen MacDougal, who claims to have established a "10-month love affair in 2006 and 2007" with Trump, who has not yet entered politics.

Another Trump lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, confirmed the existence of this recording for the New York Times. However, Giuliani announced that in the end the money was not paid to Mac Dugall.

It is known that Cohen is currently the subject of a thorough investigation by the FBI that could lead to his prosecution.
The investigation was conducted at the request of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, who is investigating the possibility of collusion between Trump and Russian officials during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Cohen has repeatedly stated that He had paid $ 130,000 to the 2016 Sturmie Daniels actress in exchange for silence about having bad with Trump in 2006.

Although he is known for his total loyalty to Trump, Cohen finally revealed that there were limits to this loyalty.
"I will put my family and my country above everything," he said in an interview on ABC television in early July, "me, my wife, my daughter and my son, and I will always stay that way." [1965900]n, t, s)
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