Trump seeks to invite Putin to Washington next fall


White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said Thursday that Donald Trump would invite his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to Washington in the fall, a decision that surprised some top US intelligence officials [19659002]. We still do not know what happened at the special meeting between the two presidents in Helsinki this week.

There was talk of agreements reached, but there were no official announcements

The planned date for Putin's visit was not confirmed, but the states States hold mid-term legislative elections in November.

President Trump has asked National Security Advisor John Bolton to invite President Putin to Washington in the fall and these discussions are already underway. "

In an interview with Aspen Colorado's security forum, national information director Dan Coates was surprised by the news call, p" I would not be aware of this ", has he said, "he did not know the contents of the private conversation between Trump and Putin in Finland last Monday," said Coates.

"The danger is still there" Putin explained what's going on. happened at the meeting, and Kotts, who is trying to avoid the media attention, Himself in the honor after the summit, when he issued a statement saying that Russia intervened in the elections, which is contrary to the tram refusal

Coates said the president's rare reprimand by his intelligence chief: "I was only doing my job, I wish he would make a different statement."

Coates added: "It is undeniable that the Russians have

It should be noted that Putin visited the United States during his tenure as President of the United States, including visits to Texas and New York, and was invited to the White House under former President George W. Bush U Bush.

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