Trump: The World Trade Organization must change, otherwise we will do something


US President Donald Trump said Monday in his latest move against the World Trade Organization that the world body should change policy or that the United States would take action.

The US government was considering withdrawing from the World Trade Organization, which monitors trade between nations and aims to block protectionism and illegal business practices.

Trump says of the White House at a meeting with the Dutch Prime Minister The United States is bad, "We are planning nothing now, but if they do not treat us properly, we will do whatever thing."

US Secretary of Commerce Welburg Ross said Monday in an interview with CNN,

At the same time, he said: "There is no doubt that the Organization should be the subject of reforms. "

The American news website Axius pointed to the existence of a bill that is being implemented on the basis of a payment from President Donald Trump, and pointed out that the implementation of this project effectively meant the withdrawal of the United States from the Organization. 1965] The bill allows the president to impose customs duties on the value he wants, on the imports of each country, and exceeds the limits set by the organization.The site has continued that this measure would undermine two fundamental principles of the organization. The chances of pbading the bill in Congress are very questionable.

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