Trump warns Iran of unprecedented consequences in response to spiritual threats


US President Donald Trump reacted to Iranian President Hbadan Rowhani's warning of "playing with the lion's tail" by threatening Iran to face "consequences that have suffered little in the past." "

Trump's message came after a series of events on the political scene, where Rowhani sent Sunday a strongly worded message to the President of the United States advising him not to" play " "And warned that the war against Iran would be" the mother of wars "and that peace with it would be"

A spiritual letter was followed by a wave of accusations from the secretary of US state Mike Pompeo of Iranian leaders accusing them of using the revenues of the Iranian state to "fill their pockets and support terrorism" to the detriment of their people. Noting that the amount of corruption and wealth among the regime's leaders shows that the country is ruled by something like a "mafia" that the government . Preceded "on Tehran, amid accusations of continuing its nuclear activity

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