Trump: We agreed with the Europeans to reduce tariffs



The American President Donald Trump said Wednesday after meeting with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker that they had agreed to reduce trade barriers between the United States and the European Union.

Trump told reporters at the White House and Yonker next to him: "We agreed to eliminate tariff and non-tariff barriers and support trade in non-automotive industrial products."

"We will also work to reduce the barriers Chemicals, drugs and medical products as well as soy."

Trump told reporters before the meeting with the European delegation to the White House: "We hope we can achieve something "for a fairer trade with Europe.

"If we can agree on" The United States will be very satisfied. "

For his part, Mr. Juncker told reporters:" Europe and the United States must work together to In this respect, we are partners and close allies and we are not enemies. We need to work together … I think we should focus on reducing rates rather than increasing them. What we should do. "

Source: Reuters

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