Turkey turns into a "dark dictatorship" and Israel "the most racist country in the world"


Turkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Turkey had turned into a "dark dictatorship" in response to a "dark dictatorship". In a statement issued by his office, Netanyahu said: "Erdogan mbadacres Syrians and Kurds and inflicts tens of thousands of its citizens in prisons …" Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said: To a dictatorship dark under Erdogan while Israel maintains equal rights for all its citizens

"The fact that the great Democrat Erdogan attacks the law of the national state of the Jewish people is the clearest compliment to this law . " Erdogan yesterday described Israel as "the most fascist and racist state in the world" after the Israeli parliament approved last week a law that defines the country as "the state National Jewish People "and that" the right to self-determination is exclusive to the Jewish people alone ", which has provoked controversy and accusations that this law is racist towards the Arab minority living in Israel. "The National State of the Jewish People" The law considers that the Hebrew language will become the official language in Israel, while the Arabic language will be considered as the official language in Israel.The State considers that "the development of the Jewish colony has a national value and encourages its establishment and consolidation Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed the adoption of the text, said after the vote "This is our state, d (19659005) In revan At the end of the vote, the members of the Arab common list shredded the text of the law. In protest, urging the Speaker of the Knesset to expel them. One of the basic tenets of the law is that "the land of Israel is the historical homeland of the Jewish people" and that "the State of Israel is the national state of the Jewish people and in which he practices His natural, cultural, religious and historical right to self-determination ". The number of Israeli Arabs is estimated at one million and 400,000 people who are the descendants of the 160,000 Palestinians who remained on their lands after the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. They represent 17.5% of the total Israeli Arabs. "The state acts as a Jewish and colonialist movement that continues to Judaize the land and steal the rights of its original owners," said MP Yousef Jabarin, a member of the Constitution Committee, after the vote. . He stressed the "seriousness of this law," stressing "counter all racist practices that ensue ."

An earlier version of the bill provided for the possibility of establishing only Jewish communities, excluding Israeli Arabs. There is no law that provides for the equality of citizens in Israel, and Netanyahu and his government refuse to legislate a law in this regard, according to Arab members of the Knesset. (19659027)

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