Turkmen and Kirkuk Arabs are unhappy with the results of manual counting


Turkmen and Arabs in Kirkuk are not satisfied with the results of counting hands

The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan hopes to win an extra seat

Monday – 25 Shawwal 1439 – 09 July 2018 N ° [

Demonstration in Kirkuk yesterday Against the results of manual counting (Getty)

Baghdad: "Middle East"

Two days after the end of manual counting operations in the northern province of Kirkuk, which recorded the largest calls for results of the general elections that took place on May 12, the Iraqi Election Commission, overseen by a group of judges, and manual counting of funds has received calls and complaints in 6 southern provinces.
The Electoral Commission announced yesterday the completion of counting and manual counting of funds received complaints from 522 funds, or about 20% of total stations Voting in Kirkuk after the demands of Arabs and Turkmen The Electoral Commission spokesman, Judge Laith Jabr Hamza, said yesterday that "the process of manual recount and counting will begin Monday (today) for polling stations and stations for which complaints and the calls were received: Basrah, Maysan, Dhi Qar, Muthanna, Qadisiyah and Wasit Provinces after the completion of the transfer to Baghdad. "He revealed that the process" will take place at the Baghdad International Fair and that representatives of the United Nations and representatives of world embbadies and representatives of political parties and the media can badist in the process. "
Opposing parties, including Arabs and Turkmen nes, came out of the round of counting and sorting by hand without significant gains, while Kurdish sources predict that the party "Patriotic Union of Kurdistan" wins 6 seats out of 12 in the province. Among the results of the electronic and manual counting, there were more than 93
The head of the Turkmen Front, Arshad Salhi, points to "the regional and international pressures and influential parties in Baghdad who want to retain the votes of the Party of The Union of Kurdistan In Kirkuk. "Al-Salhi told Asharq Al-Awsat that" putting an end to counting and counting in Kirkuk even before the end of the examination of the disputed funds raises doubts about we were hoping the judges would reveal the size of the fake before they left Kirkuk. "" The total manual count was supposed to be done, then it turned into more than 500 stations, then only 375 stations "We wanted to reveal the facts, and if the Kurds get an extra seat this time, then there is no democratic practice, and things in Kirkuk are going to chaos." said Salhi, former MP and winner of the recce Elections.
The Arab candidate in Kirkuk Ismail Hadidi believes that "the overall process of manual counting, whether in Kirkuk or elsewhere, gives counterfeiters legitimacy, because the lack of conformity between fingerprints and manual counting can help to increase the voice of counterfeiters. " "The acceptance of the manual count was intended to satisfy the public opinion and circumvent it after the fraud operations that took place, but that will not result in any change in the results," said Hadidi, candidate losing to Kirkuk for the Al-Nasr coalition in the Middle East. Al-Hadidi pointed out that "the fraud operations in Kirkuk were not limited to the Kurds, but included all, so that some Arab areas outside the center of Kirkuk, where there was more fraud."
The candidate for the "national" coalition in Anbar Ziad Arar The results of manual counting and sorting will not be favorable to the personalities and coalitions affected by the fraud operations that took place in the electoral process. Al-Arar said in an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat that the partial enumeration decision was a coup d'etat against the decision of the Federal Court, which approved the overall account after interpreting the provisions of the Third Amendment to the electoral law. Al-Arar believes that "the interpretation of the subject of partial counting by the judiciary has been the subject of a political consensus, so that counting in this way will not change the final results, and could even increase the loss of the losers. "


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