Until the end of the state of emergency. 10 new terms of reference for the supreme pursuit of state security


The Official Journal issued the decision of the Prime Minister, Dr. Mustafa Madbouli, to extend the jurisdiction of the Supreme State Security Bureau to 10 crimes and refer them to the Public Prosecutor's Office for investigation and referral to the competent courts.

The decision must be made by the Supreme State Security Prosecutor to investigate crimes of transportation disruption, crimes of intimidation, intimidation, "harbadment" and weapons crimes

Criminal prosecutions of state security also included investigations into offenses against the freedom of work, the destruction of facilities and the crimes that had been committed against them. Assign the organization of law in the community

as well as the crimes set forth in sections 1 and 2 bis of the second book of the Penal Code.

According to the Official Journal, the supreme pursuit of state security, will begin on Saturday, July 14, until the end of the state of emergency.

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