Urgent: The voting tie for "Mohammed Salah" in the award for best player in the world (now)


The World Football Association (FIFA) officially opened the doors of the World Player of the Year 2018 after the list of the top 10 candidates for 1965 The Best


The Egyptian international Mohammed Salah, Liverpool star and Premier League striker, and player of the year in the English Premier League, has entered the list of the top ten candidates for the Worlds Best.

FIFA officially announced that the public would have 25% of the world's best players, the same percentage for coaches, team leaders and media professionals. To vote for Mohamed Salah, you must follow these steps:

1 – Access to the voting page via the official website of FIFA, Link vote here )

The site will have to Register first to vote, where the public can sign up via Google or Facebook accounts.

3. After having chosen the method of registration, FIFA will request the approval of the conditions of confidentiality and the conditions of the vote.

4. The vote will move to a page with the names of the 10 players and their highlights, and below all this statement are numbers 1, 2 and 3.

5. Select the number 1 below Mohammed Salah means that he is the first choice for the vote and then the number 2 is chosen from the bottom of the player to choose in second place, and finally the third number under the player to choose in third place.

6. Once the three players have been selected, the site will take you to a page where you can complete the vote successfully

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