US police leave the island of Liberty after climbing a woman Statue of Liberty


New York – d

Published on:
Thursday, July 5th, 2018 – 01h12
| Last update:
Thursday, July 5th, 2018 – 01h12

US police evacuated Liberty Island to New York after a woman climbed the Statue of Liberty on the island on Wednesday.

Local police showed the local police trying to reach the woman at the top of the statue.

A police spokesman told the German News Agency (DPA) that the city police were being called.

It is not known if the woman is protesting against something, but the Pix-11 news station in New York said that she looked like she had removed her shirt. repeatedly and showed him a message.

A) that there were several arrests in the context of an earlier protest, during which protesters hung a sign on the statue.

An event called Rise & Resistance, which staged a protest against the American immigration policy on Liberty Island in conjunction with the Independence Day on July 4, released a joy that stated that the climber was not part of their protest

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