Vice President of October 6: supply of 25 buses to transport the population in a few weeks


Dina Al-Najjar

Published on:
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 – 12:51 pm
| Last update:
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 – 12:51 pm

In a telephone conversation with the show "Here the Capital", engineer Khaled Sorour, deputy chief of October 6, said that 25 buses had been planned to facilitate the transfer of residents of the city of October 6th. "The city's board of directors has prepared a plan for the development of transport in the city," he said, adding that 6 buses were provided free of charge to workers during the last period, from 7am to 17h every day. "The cause of the crisis is that transportation is not enough because of the increase in the city's population and there are 4 buses inside the city to connect citizens to the wholesale market behind the City of Media Production ", explaining that the apparatus works for the development and repair of the road network and provides transportation and all services to the citizens

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