Video After Kiki .. Mad "Zoom Challenge" sweeps global networking sites



Global social networking sites have taken on a new challenge after Kiki, which has spread among young people in recent times as young people engage in new videos called " Zoom Challenge ". Dance to the music, and then step on the accelerator pedal to launch his ghost car forwards or backwards, and at a time when someone else fate the frame to show that he 's right. he is moving his imaginary car.

Many fun videos have been posted on Challenge Zoom's social networking sites, showing young people advancing with a sound effect like an accident, and someone who does not appear in the game. team pulls them in front of the camera.

The fun new challenge videos made it popular and popular among social networking site pioneers who started sharing their videos with their friends in the challenge.

Experts and doctors have warned of the danger of the "Zoom Challenge", which has spread in social media, a few weeks after the broadcast of a similar dance in the name of "Kiki ", according to the website" Sky News ". 19659006] Al-Khobar (Video: After Kiki .. Madness "The Zoom Challenge" sweeps the world's communication sites) Moved Site [Masrawi]
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