Video and photos .. Reception of President Sisi in the Sudanese capital Khartoum


The seventh day is a video of the reception of President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum as part of his visit to the sister country and his meeting with President Omar al-Bashir. The two countries, and their joint cooperation in all areas, in addition to discuss many issues of common interest African, Arab, regional and international.

President Sisi's visit to Khartoum comes in the context of ongoing consultations between the two presidents and discussions on ways to strengthen the fraternal relations that unite the two countries in all areas and thus contribute to the interests of the Egyptian peoples and Sudanese

Presidents Sisi and Bashir's discussions are expected to discuss the activation of all bilateral cooperation channels and further consolidate and consolidate existing cooperation between the two sister countries, as well as consultation on the challenges both countries are facing. Regional and International Problems of Common Interest


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"Side-of-the-desk". Reception "/> 
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