Video: "Housing": The second phase of the "Together" project includes 3300 housing units


Yvonne Medhat

Published on:
Friday, July 6, 2018 – 10:10 pm
| Last update:
Friday, July 6, 2018 – 22:11

Hani Yunis, spokesman for the Ministry of Housing, Public Utilities and Urban Communities, said that the project "Ma-year", implemented by the Ministry as part of the Slum Development Fund in cooperation with the Ma's Foundation, "The Housing City", during a phone call to the program "Now", broadcast Friday night by Extra News, that the Foundation has implemented the first phase of the project, which included 1104 housing units, after the second phase Including 3300 units, to be implemented by the Ministry for a cost of about 600 million pounds.

He confirmed that Ma'an is one of the projects implemented by the Ministry in cooperation with the governorate to develop the dangerous areas that should be completed this year, characterized by a number of buildings service center, a craft center, schools, playgrounds and a movie complex. The province and the institution to complete the second stage.

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