Video: Murad Wahba: That's why the Brotherhood rejects the philosophy


Yvonne Medhat

Published on:
Monday, July 23, 2018 – 6:28 pm
| Last update:
Monday, July 23, 2018 – 6:28 pm
Dr. Murad Wahba, professor of philosophy at Ain Shams University, said that the Muslim Brotherhood at the beginning of its creation in 1928 aimed to revive the caliphate, referring to the seriousness of the caliphate on human civilization for its belief in Ibn Taymiyyah. During his meeting with the program "Egypt Today", broadcast on the screen of the first channel, Sunday, Khairi Ramadan rejected the philosophy of the "Brotherhood" and their hostility, saying that the philosophy encourages the Critical thinking against the principle of listening and obedience. His members.

He emphasized the control of the Muslim Brotherhood in the education system, explaining: "Education is ruled by the Brotherhood and I have been in conflict with them since 1958 until now, and I am not sure. I tried to separate myself twice. "

He added that late President Gamal Abdel Nbader had waged a battle against the Muslim Brotherhood but that it had not been fully accomplished because he was not skeptical about their religious thought but to their political aims

It was mentioned that "Abdel Nbader" was in agreement with Hbadan al-Hudaibi, the leader of the group at the time,

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