Video .. Nutritionist reveals how to overcome the symptoms of menopause


Menopause is badociated with menopause, estrogen disorders and a lack of female hormones, leading to sleep disturbances, weight gain, especially abdominal, and even a number of women may become depressed at this time. age, explains Nora Hasballah. Criticism

Nora Hasaballah, in her Six Hbadan program interview, told ONA Television that women should have healthy nutrition and exercise, especially in their early forties, and focus on certain nutrients such as vitamin D, calcium and iron. For women, some diseases, such as osteoporosis and muscular dysfunction, are observed: the length of each woman is 4 or 5 centimeters below the normal length.

The nutritionist revealed that a number of women were using estrogen injections These problems, indicating the severity of y For you and the preference to eat the nutrients that give the body the same effect of the beauty hormone and young women in estrogen, including soy beans, larynx, chickpeas, lentils, beans and flaxseed and rich Baumega 3.

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