Video – Sheikh Azhari we have Sherbini after the challenge kiki: Toby to God


Video – Sheikh Azhari We have the Sherbini after the challenge of Kiki: Toby to God Manchit trade news in the art, where we strive to badociate your newspaper and always distinguish between the sites of social networking we bring you all the events. "We are also interested in the latest Arabic numbers in video – Sheikh Azhari We have the Sherbini after the challenge of Kiki: Toby to God, Video – Sheikh Azhari We have Sherbini after the challenge Kiki: Tobi to God and the other we hope to get everyone's admiration and share news on the websites

Manchit – Shaykh Sa 'id Nude' man, a scholar of Al-Azhar University, we said that the challenge kiki, which has recently spread, is the work of Satan.

He expressed during the intervention (19659003) and addressed a letter to the & défi (a a 1965 1965,. actress Dina al-Sherbini, saying, "This is not the case with the people of Al-Azhar," I advise you, my daughter, Dina al-Sherbini, to repent to God ", because she was the first to direct this dance.

And I explained that singing is allowed for you

In My Feelings was a great success, especially after the dance challenge launched by the presenter of the program " The My Feelings "

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At the end of the subject we regret any error in the content that we are. There is no doubt that we do not get the admiration of all parties and that it is just the content We bring you all the news from all over the world, and we always promise you all that There is better. And the timely transmission of events from all news sources and facilitate their reading. We hope to get the admiration of all our visitors and support us, that is the secret of our success and do not forget to follow us on social networking sites to receive all the news at the time of l & # 39; event. (19659003) Source: In Art

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