Video: The grandfather of a child "Sunrise": the kidnappers grandchildren await a 20-year prison sentence


Mohammed Abdul Jalil

Published on:
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 – 1:57 pm
| Last update:
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 – 1:57 pm

The counselor of Fayez Malak, the grandfather of the kidnapped child Hisham Sami, known as "Shorouk", said that the time of the kidnapping of his small- son was similar to that of the following years. "During a phone call to the dmc evening program, aired on the DMC channel on Tuesday, Malak said that the punishment awaiting kidnappers from his grandson could reach up to 20 years, in a sense. that the case should be examined in all respects to achieve justice.

He pointed to the lease of kidnappers from a villa on the road Egypt – Iskand He stressed that the law should be amended to the punishment of kidnapping becomes the death penalty, the death penalty, the death penalty, the death penalty,

The whole family lived in tragedy and suffering, during the abduction, because of messages received from the abductees, about sending parts of the child's body, explaining that the abductor had asked him to meet him in several places for fear of running after the police. [19659004]

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