Millions of people suffer from diabetes and nearly one third of them use natural or alternative herbs, including dietary supplements to control blood sugar levels in diabetics. .
Experts said that in many cases, dietary supplements could help manage type 2 diabetes by stopping insulin resistance, which is most prevalent in the world..
In this context, the US medical site is provided "Newsmax Health", 5 Dietary supplements can help control blood sugar levels and include:
1. chrome
This mineral is essential for diabetics because it enhances insulin activity by helping to bind its receptors. It is found naturally in meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, spices, whole wheat bread and as a dietary supplement sold as "chromium chloride". The recommended dosage is 200-1000 micrograms per day..
2. Biotin

This vitamin helps to manage glucose in the cell through the enzyme glucocainase, and research has shown that the combination of chromium and butane can improve blood sugar levels of type 2 diabetes.
This important vitamin has also been found to reduce hair loss and reduce the incidence of depression naturally. It is found in wheat germ, whole grains, eggs, dairy products, salmon and chicken..It is recommended to take food supplements containing biotin at a rate of 3-16 micrograms per day..
3. Vitamin "D" (sun vitamin)
Vitamin D improves the secretion of insulin by the pancreas, studies have also shown that it also improves glucose tolerance and increases the sensitivity of insulin.
Doctors recommend 800 to 2000 IU of vitamin "D".
4. Di-Pedicure-Inositol.
This chemical alternative to vitamin B helps insulin to work better because it improves the glucose pathway after insulin use and can significantly reduce fasting sugar levels.
The researchers found that it can be found with the highest concentration in these nutrients: buckwheat, soy and legumes such as lentils, chickpeas and beans, and the recommended dosage for supplements is 600- 1200 mg a day..
5. Barbarian
This natural material is native to China and India, where it was used in ancient Indian medicine. It is found in golden grbades, capitis and turmeric..
Studies have shown that this reduces blood sugar levels: those who took 500 mg barbren a day for three months enjoyed the same medical benefits as metformin used in diabetics..
In other words, the barbarian was able to effectively control blood sugar as the most common medical drug.
Other studies suggest that this type can improve insulin sensitivity and the recommended dosage is 500 mg three times a day..
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