Vitamins and minerals found in tuna


News: Vitamins and minerals found in tuna, we always like to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news website, a news site has been Created in 2016 to provide comprehensive content to present you the news And the international many reliable news sources, where we diligently follow all that is new on the political, technical and sports arena and d & # 's; 39; other areas of interest for our readers to post on the news site Site News, vitamins and minerals found in tuna, [19mai2018] The news of tuna is one of the fish the most popular that offers many health benefits. It contains many nutrients and nutrients, a very good source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids. It also contains good proportions of dietary fiber that help with digestion, as well as many minerals and vitamins.

Vitamins Found in Tuna
Tuna is an excellent source of vitamin A, containing over 30 percent of the recommended daily value in just 3 ounces (one serving). Tuna also contains a lot of B vitamins, such as vitamin B-3 called niacin, vitamin B-1, known as thiamine, and large amounts of folic acid. It also contains vitamin B-6, which helps folic acid in the prevention of atherosclerosis. But, unfortunately, it does not contain vitamin C.

Minerals in tuna
Tuna is a major source of three major minerals. Three ounces of tuna provide nearly 50 percent of the recommended daily value of selenium, 20 percent for phosphorus and 10 percent for magnesium. Selenium has been badociated with the prevention of heart disease and cancer, which increases the nutritional value of tuna.

Other Minerals
Tuna also contains other metals, but in small quantities. The 3 ounce tuna offers about 4% of the recommended daily value of iron, 3% of zinc and 6% of potbadium. There is little sodium about 1 percent, and calcium is less than 1 percent of the recommended daily value.

Cooked or Raw
The levels of vitamins and minerals in tuna differ slightly depending on whether the tuna is raw or cooked. Raw tuna contains higher amounts of most vitamins and minerals, although the heat did not cause nutrient degradation. The exception is sodium, which can be higher than the transformation or addition of typical salt during cooking and canning.

Benefits of Tuna:
Tuna offers many health benefits because of its nutrient content, including:

– Tuna helps maintain cardiovascular health and prevents high cholesterol levels in the body. blood, Blood pressure because it is very rich in omega 3.
– Omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and selenium found in tuna work to improve mood. It also helps to improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
– Protects cancer because it is rich in omega-3 and selenium
– The B vitamins present in tuna help improve metabolism.
Vitamin B, it helps prevent anemia.
– Promotes healthy eyes, because of its vitamin A and omega-3 content.

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Source: Mursal

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