Voice of Freedom – Volcanic calls parliamentarians around the world to an important task (details)


House Speaker Sultan al-Barqani called on parliamentarians around the world to stand up against their Yemeni colleagues who met in Sayoun and the Houthi militia in Sanaa to force courts to try their treason trials. .

"The al-Huthi militia is trying to make judicial decisions to execute the deputies and confiscate their property.They have begun seizing the property of some and blowing up the houses of others," he said. Wednesday at the close of the third session of the second legislature of the Arab Parliament.

He added that "Yemen is currently engaged in a fierce war against the Iranian-backed Houthi militia, which threatens the unity of the people and the entity of the homeland and neighboring countries. Arab countries and threatens our national existence in its entirety and tries to develop along the Arab nation and its offer ". And what now results from the theft of the state by the Houthi state coup.

He stressed that the legitimate government is continuing its efforts for peace and is ready to travel to the world to achieve this. We support all efforts in this regard and the implementation of the Swedish agreement on Hodeidah will be a real test of the coup militias and their seriousness in the treatment of peace.

Al-Barqani pointed out that the president of the republic Abderabu Mansour Hadi, chosen by the people, led a national march that met the hopes of the mbades and aspired to a future that meets the aspirations of the new generations who left the past with its strength and his achievements. The political trends and the components, groups, groups and groups under one roof and the dialogue are opening up to pave the way for the twenty-first century.

"But a despotic and arrogant group backed by a foreign party ruthlessly committed, betrayed and waged a dirty war to rule and dominate … the backward huthi group.These odious groups came from the confines of history and centuries of darkness. "

He said the winds of betrayal came from the eastern corner of the great Arab country with a Persian scent that carried the hatred of the past when the Arabs went from fire worship to the greatness of Islam. He pointed out that these Houthi militias threatened sanctuaries and wealth and aimed at the national sovereignty of the country.

He stressed that the legitimacy and the national army resisted with much courage the Iranian project in Yemen and our Arab alliance brethren headed by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, to whom we thank them and thank them for defeating the coup d'etat, restoring the state and freeing the will of our people. Arab and his blood and his money, which will be created by history and will record the most beautiful pages.

Al-Barrakani condemned repeated attacks against Saudi Arabia in recent days and last month, including the Abha Airport Pbadenger Lounge and the targeting of ships manufactured in Fujairah in the UAE United arabs and in the sea of ​​Oman with weapons manufactured by Iran.

He stressed that the evil of this group would not stop at the end and that he was planning to steal the House of Representatives and falsify the will of the people, but the deputies gave them a hard slap and have defeated the plot at their meeting in Sioun on April 13, the election to the presidency of the Council and the resumption of the legislative session.

He pointed out that the seat of the House of Representatives meeting in a special historic session in Siyoun must be targeted by flying planes and missiles dropped by the anti-aircraft defense in front of the walls of the city of Siyoun, without taking care Houthi terrorist gang with hundreds of people and trying to deliver his altar to deputies and the government.

"We are determined to hold new sessions here of the coup d'etat and to perform our duties again at the Council's headquarters, in the capital Sanaa," he added.

Regarding the Arab question, the Speaker of the House of Representatives called for the adoption of an Arab, non-offensive defense strategy against aggression against this aggression, stressing that Zionist entity was and continues to pose a threat to Arab national security, taking advantage of the emergency situation that badailed us from the east coast of Iran.

Al-Barqani suggested a short-term strategy of three to five years in which Arab countries can adapt their perceptions and solutions to any new development. He called for the creation of joint research centers that study, reflect and plan in a long-term strategy. The economic is our basic ethic.

He stressed that the creation of a joint Arab army, a rapid intervention force and the expansion of cooperation and commercial exchanges became necessary and that they thus became the spirit of the League. and help him to play his role fully.

He said that Iran was not fighting in our struggles and would not win as much for Palestine as for its people, because they feed on the pain and suffering of the Palestinians to achieve their ambitions, while realizing the the nature of the Israeli-Iranian dispute, which focuses on fierce competition for the influence that is being sought on them both in our vital zone and in our territories. A commodity offered in a humiliating agreement to a people whose lands have been looted and whose rights have been appropriated.

* Saba

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