"Wafd" denied Sidqi Sobhi's accession to the party: "We were surprised by the rumors of"


"Wafd" denied the admission of Sidqi Subhi to the party: "We were surprised by the rumors of"

"Wafd" denied the admission of Sidqi Subhi to the party: "We were surprised by rumors" "We were surprised by the rumors," said Al-Wafd, denying Sadiq Sobhi's participation in the party. "We were surprised by the rumors."

Al-Haywar newspaper Ybader al-Hudaibi, a spokesman for the Wafd party, denied the rumors about the membership of Sadiq Subhi, "The former defense minister represents a great patriotic value and a unique military personality, the Egyptians will not forget his courageous positions and the Egyptian army will not forget his fingerprints, "said al-Hudhaibi during a phone call on the Al-Hayat Al-Youm program. [19490001]

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Al-Wafd newspaper denied Sidqi Sobhi's participation in the party: "We were surprised by the rumors." Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive news.


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