
(19659004) The National Puppet Theater Ensemble of the Giza Cultural Center Theater presented its "Genoa Valley Essay" based on the text of Isabella and three ships and wizards of Dario Foo as part of the 11th session of the festival. In the presence of a number of actors including director Khaled Raslan and director Fahmi Al Kho Director of theater clubs and critic Mohammed Al-Roubi
Ayman Abu-Yazid, Nurhan Ramzi, Ahmed Abdel Nbader , Mohamed Al-Banna, Said Al-Khouli, Mohamed Zayed, Mohammed Al-Dakkak, Ali Al-Haddad, Ibrahim Suleiman, Islam Al-Bahrawy and Mosta, and the poem exhibition of Maher Hbadan, Dramatorg Sayed Imam, music and music of Alaa Ghoneim, Sara Tawfiq's clothes, voice and lighting of Mahmoud Ishaq and Ahmed Abdul Jalil
Important in the history of Europe from one hand, and the stupidity of his relations with the Arabs, through a attitudes and the late fifteenth century, and the game of the direction of the adventurer Christopher Columbus for the use of the Queen Isabella to turn her expedition to the Americas, and the deterioration of the situation of the Arabs in return for the beginning of the rebirth of Europe,
Announced: The piece won five awards during its participation in the final Festival of the Theater of the Regions, during its 43rd session, and was scaled to compete on behalf of the Authority Gu Festival Cultural Palaces
The hero of the show, Ahmed Abdel Nbader, expressed his happiness with the work: "My dream is realized by standing on stage, the director Ahmed Abdel Jalil has encouraged me and me Gave confidence to be on stage. "
Mohammed Abul-Yazid that the piece occupies my first experience with the Bahira National Theater, and participating in the festival represents a great challenge and a great honor to be one of the heroes of this show.
He said: I play the role of Columbus. As well as his relationship with Isabella and Ferdinando, as well as the traveler
Nurhan Ramzi, the heroine of the show, spoke of his experience as follows: A new experience and a great responsibility of a history director and of artistic weight, like Ahmed Abdel Jalil, I propose the only female championship in the show; The role of Queen Isabella is a strong queen who wants to control the wealth of the Arabs by the attacks of her husband against their country and steal their wealth. She has another battle with her husband, who wants to control it with the religious thought that he wants to spread in the country. Columbus at the end [19690001] [fonction] (d) {var js, id = "# #" [modifier] [modifier] [modifier] facebook-jssdk & # 39 ;; if (d.getElementById (id)) {return;} js = d.createElement (& # 39; script & # 39;); js.id = id; js.async = true; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/ar_AR/all.js#appId=&xfbml=1";d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild (js); } (document));
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