We have 28 million illiterates and the abolition of adult education doubles their number


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citing the site of the country's echo, Friday, July 6, 2018.

Omar Hamza, responsible of adult education, reported that the total number of illiterate "Hamza said in a statement to Sada al-Balad that the body's age has reached 27 years, it was founded in 1991 under Law No. 8, For the year 91, and despite the aggravation of the crisis of illiteracy in Egypt, but the body was able to limit them as much as possible, and if the body is not present today, the number of illiterates is expected to increase to 3 times He explained that the body should not be fully blamed by the failure of the system in Egypt: the Commission does not receive the necessary support because it does not have the necessary funds because its budget did not even reach 1% of the budget gen The number of employees is 3000, as well as the failure of the support organizations, highlighting the existence of a real political will to eradicate. illiteracy in Egypt, but the problem depends on the administrators who pursue this task

. Adult education leads to the failure or decline of literacy, but the development system also plays an important role There are 30% of Egyptian villages without schools, which means an increase in number of illiterates.Even if the Commission eliminates each year 600 to 700 000 illiterates, the illiteracy increases because

He added that the right of the Commission also limited his role by defining the tasks that him were entrusted as responsible for the development of the plan of adult education at the level of the Republic, followed and technical support and evaluation of the performances and the work of the examinations. The success of the illiterate, so the abolition of the body will not solve the problem, but he The head of the former adult education body said that the best solution to combat Illiteracy was to support the organization and provide all the necessary tools, as well as student participation in literacy. Involve the state administrative apparatus in the eradication of illiteracy, as there are more than 4 million employees in the state without work, to erase illiteracy of citizens, and to reduce the illiteracy of citizens, and relate the annual badessment of administrative deaths in the localities and the mayor.

and confirmed that the Commission succeeded in

He pointed out that Egypt is the only country that has been able to eradicate illiteracy among its children. The electoral code is used in elections because of the high rate of illiteracy, pointing out that it is proposed to end the elections of 2022.

Parliament submits a draft resolution abolishing the Authority for adult education because it does not provide anything concrete. We thank you, as well as the visitors of the information portal, for their trust We also promise to provide you with all the news and important information from all reliable sources of information: We have been transferred (Omar Hamza: we have 28 million illiterates and the elimination of adult education doubles the number), and the source is responsible for what has been reported.
Source: echo of the country

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