We have a general lack of vitamin D .. and beware of "fasting


"Othman": The disease is widespread among schoolchildren, especially girls.

Professor and consultant in clinical nutrition, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Othman warned of the danger of vitamin D deficiency, leading to bone fracture, a once a simple fall or trip in the home, reaffirming the suspicion that some have cartilaginous glaucoma in the back, who basically complains of "osteoporosis" silent disease due to lack of vitamin D.

"For the program "Sabah Saudi Arabia" Sunday: "We face a great shortage of vitamin D in the Gulf and Arab countries despite the availability of the sun, Marsher The percentage of shortages that have been studied in some schools in Saudi Arabia has reached 90%, especially among girls, especially closed private schools. "

In this regard, to prevent osteoporosis, the importance of the age group of 20 to 35 years (Vitamin D) when the vitamin begins to shorten, recommending the consumption of 39; calcium-rich foods such as fish, tuna and eggs, avoiding soft drinks that reduce the absorption of vitamin D or weaken bones, Postmenopause to the need to take vitamin D supplementation even with exposure to The first type affects women 6 times more than men, due to the absence of estrogen with age, and symptoms of pain in the joints and back, highlighting that many people because of this fantasy that he has a cartilage cartilage,

Othman added that the second type of osteoporosis affects more women than men and targets the pelvic area of ​​the body, warning that just stumbling into the house can lead the inability of God to break the bone. Bones for people with vitamin D deficiency

reported that patients with kidney, liver or aphasia (19659009) Consultant Dietitian: We have a general lack of vitamin D. And beware of "silent"

Professor and consultant in clinical nutrition, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Othman warned against the risk of vitamin D deficiency, which can lead to bone fracture, a simple fall or fall At home, a hypocrite suggests that some have cartilage glaucoma in the back, which basically complains of the silent disease "osteoporosis" due to lack of "Vit" We are facing a very severe vitamin shortage D in the Gulf and Arab countries despite the availability of the sun, "said Sunday Al-Othman in Sabah Al-Sabah. Reach 90%, especially for girls, especially closed private schools. "

In this regard, to prevent osteoporosis, the importance of the age group of 20 to 35 years in the storage of vitamin D is emphasized., And recommended that the young people take care to eat food sources rich in calcium and vitamin D such as fish, tuna and eggs, [6]

Othman reported that osteoporosis is of two types, affecting the first type of women 6 Because of the absence of estrogen with age, and symptoms of pain in the joints and back, indicating that many people because of this fancy that 's it has a cartilage, and this is not true, but the fragility of the bones.Of osteoporosis affects women more than men, and targets the pelvic area of ​​the body, warning that no & 39,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, irritation (19659004) reported that patients with renal, hepatic or vitamin deficiencies who are genetically or Drugs against depression or epilepsy and who have a vitamin deficiency (

"Al-Othman": The disease is widespread among schoolchildren, especially girls, which is not the case, but it's not enough to be exposed to the sun. Are solutions

Professor and consultant in clinical nutrition, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Othman warned against the risk of lack of "vitamin D", which can lead to bone fracture, b Just a fall or a simple stumble in the house, a hypocrite that some people think of cartilage glaucoma in the back, which basically complains of "osteoporosis" silent disease due to vitamin D deficiency.

"The Vitamin D shortage in the Gulf countries and Arab countries, despite the availability of the sun, has reached 90%, especially among girls, especially in closed private schools. "

In this regard, to prevent osteoporosis, the importance of the age range of 20 to 35 years in the body's storage of (Vitamin D) when the vitamin begins to getting shorter, recommending to young people to take care of calcium-rich food sources such as fish, tuna and egg whites,

Othman says that osteoporosis is of two types: the first type touches six times more women than men, because of the lack of estrogen with age and symptoms of pain in the joints and back, people because of this fantasy that it has cartilage glaucoma, this is not true But the fragility of the bones.

Othman added that the second type of osteoporosis affects women more than men, targeting the pelvic region of the body, warning that any simple stumbling into the house can lead to God's fracture to those who suffer from Vitamin D Deficiency

Renal, hepatic or vitamin deficient patients taking medication for depression or epilepsy who are deficient in vitamin D are not sufficient to be exposed to sunlight, but must take vitamin supplements. 19659028] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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