We provide all the support needed for individual champions before the 2020 Olympics


We show you the most important news in the following article:
The Minister of Youth and Sports, Ashraf Sobhi, is pleased with the success of the Mediterranean Games players in Spain. Last month he said: "Congratulations to all our children, I rejoiced in Egypt, in a message to the Egyptians, the sport is not football and everyone is an example in his game."

"Sunday, that the ministry will work hard to provide support and support to the heroes of Egypt in the individual games; The Olympic medalist in Tokyo in 2020 thanked the military institutions that cooperated with the state to prepare these heroes.

He added that the department will pay close attention to individual games in the coming period, continuing:

and refers to the role of the media, which contributed to the emergence of these heroes, and to the definition of individual games in light of the interest and concern of the Egyptians for football only

Thank you for visiting and following the East Times Because we promise you to provide all new and important of all Reliable news, the Minister of Youth has been transferred: We provide all the support to the individual champions before the 2020 Olympics, and the source is responsible for good health news.
Source: Sunrise Portal

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