What agreement has been reached. Barcelona disrupts the transfer of the wing from Bordeaux to Rome, although officially annexed


In an unexpected surprise, Italian reports revealed the failure of Brazilian winger Malcolm, the French player from Bordeaux in the ranks of Rome, Italy, despite the announcement of the announcement. agreement of the two clubs to conclude the case Monday afternoon. Italian that the entrance of the Spanish club Barcelona on the line of negotiations with Bordeaux has led to the failure to conclude the case up to now, which was not expected at all.

<img alt = "Malcolm" src = "https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2018/7" Malcolm "

The newspaper added that the Catalan team has suspended the departure of the owner of Malcolm On the 21st, at 11 pm, the Bordeaux club cancels the flight of the player to Italy, scheduled for the evening, to become the Brazilian burial en route to the l '. Spain instead of what was expected of him

In Bordeaux more than the financial value that Rome wanted to contract with Malcolm, which was accepted by the management of the French club, will soon become Barsa unless the management of the Capital Club of Italy does not increase the value of the supply.

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