What are the benefits and damages of whey protein in building muscle and weight loss?


Hisham Awwad wrote:

Supplements and proteins that help build and boost muscles, and proteins that are recently spreading whey protein, or so-called "wi protein," help to lose weight fast and effectively and at the same time muscle, but what are the most important benefits and damages of this protein if you want to use it?

Whey Protein is a liquid that comes in the form of powdered milk, an easily digestible protein that helps repair and build bones and muscles. , According to the British "Daily Star" newspaper.

You should consult your doctor before taking serum when you experience symptoms. It should be taken 30 to 60 minutes after exercise. You can add it to breakfast instead of eggs, oats or any recipe you prefer.

The benefits of whey, weight loss, increased muscle mbad, cancer treatment increase glutathione levels, reduce HIV infection, reduce triglycerides, lower LDL cholesterol, increase cholesterol and increase energy during exercise.

Studies have shown that replacing other sources of caloric protein with whey protein and exercise can help lose about 4 kilograms a month.

In terms of whey damage, in case of abuse, can cause gastrointestinal problems such as gas and bloating, headaches and fatigue

This content (Women's World: What Benefits and Damages whey protein in bodybuilding and weight loss?) (Translated by the search engine and the site was transferred as is from the source (Masrawy), and does not express the view of the site and the policy of the editorial, but the responsibility for the news and its validity lies with the original editor Masrawy. facebook-jssdk if (d.getElementById (id)) {return;} js = d.createElement (& quot; script & # 39;); js.id = id; js.async = true; js.src = "http: // connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js# appId = & xfbml = 1 "; d.getElementsByTagName (& # 39; head & # 39;) [0] .appendChi ld (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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