What changed the course of Ahli's transactions after Cartier's departure?


Al Ahli club supporters are very worried about the red deal, especially after the departure of former French coach Patrice Cartier, who had asked several players to hire them, both on the locally and abroad.

The secret of concern is that a foreign coach has different ideas and may therefore require players with different specifications of Cartier's choices, which may take some time and therefore affect the ability of the contracting committee to put end of the required contracts.

A source at Al Ahli confirmed that the winter contract file will begin immediately after Mahmoud Khatib's return on his treatment trip to Germany, after a meeting with the Contracts Department and Mr. Abdel-Hafiz, director of the balloon, but technically, who are actors close to the transition to Ahli in winter?

Hussein Al-Shahat

There is no disagreement on the contract with Hussein Al-Shahat if there is flexibility on the part of the United Arab Emirates in the sale of files, and he is the international player who wants to strengthen the Ahly attack in winter, especially if he confirmed his desire to return to Egypt through the Ahli Gate.

Taher Mohamed Taher

The international striker will not be affected by the negotiations with Bergel Cartier, after the player himself has strongly imposed this season. A contract will therefore be contracted for any coach, especially as the team is threatened to lose the Moroccan Walid Azzaro when he leaves for Europe.

Mahmoud Metwally and Baher Mohammedi

Al Ahli desperately needs a midfielder and a defender for the players of Isma'i Mahmud Metwally and Bahr Al-Mohammadi in order to fill Al's defensive gaps. -Hamra Al-Hamra, after the duo proved to be an undeniable advantage this season.

Mohamed Mahmoud

The club officials put the finishing touches to the deal after the international striker announced his intention to wear the red jersey in the winter, the deal should be officially announced soon.

Frank Com

Ahly's negotiations with Espanyol Franck Kom's midfielder could be affected by Cartier's departure, as the latter is the last to apply for the player.

Mahmoud Wahid

The left-wing club had a headache in the Al Ahly club. It was therefore necessary to include a special player in this center during the coming period. The red administration then engaged in serious negotiations to include Mahmoud Wahid despite the Zamalek mob.

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