What foods can cause bloating and abdominal gas?



Macaroni, bread and pies are good foods that are constantly on the table. Gases are common digestive problems, which cause embarrbadment and distress.

There are several health reasons that can cause flatulence and gas, and may be the cause of eating certain types of foods, including excessive consumption of baked goods and wheat, according to the Location of "Emirates 24".

If you are sure that your gastric gases are caused by carbohydrates, especially wheat and barley containing gluten, you need to switch to gluten-free starchy foods like rice and other vegetables , including potatoes.

The increase in belly swelling can only be caused by the consumption of carbohydrates and starch per se, but by increasing the dietary fiber contained in complex carbohydrates such as brown bread and whole wheat pasta.

Complex carbohydrates contain fibers that are found in the grain: the body needs a quantity of fiber per day to go out, but the fiber exceeds 32 grams per day and women 25 grams, causing bloating and frequent gas.

Complex carbohydrates, fiber and gluten can not cause gas and bloating, but other factors such as soft drinks, fatty or hot foods or fructose increase in foods such as pears , plums or lactose contained in milk and milk products.

Some foods can also cause bloating in some people, such as raisins, gherkins, rapeseed, radishes, cabbages and cucumbers.

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