What is the effect of women eating onions on their bones?


What is the effect of women who eat onions on their bones

What is the effect of women who eat onions on their bones?

11:00 AM Wednesday 04 July 2018

Masrawi –

In many types of foods, onions are found and have a range of properties beneficial to one's health.The experts have identified the most important reasons why we use this substance in our daily diet.

Onions are a food rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals: a medium-sized onion provides the body with 44 calories, 20% of its daily vitamin C needs and 10% of its daily vitamin B6 needs.

Onions also contain potbadium, magnesium and folic acid, as well as anti-inflammatory kercytin It has become clear that Italians and Swiss rarely develop common cancers.

The results of a study conducted with the participation of women showed a relationship between onion consumption in the period before the interruption of the menstrual cycle and the condition of the bones, where the bone mineral density of women eating onions was 20% higher than the others.

Onion activates the digestive process because it contains the compound Enulin (dietary fiber), which acts on the development of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, prevents constipation, improves blood sugar levels and inhibits # 39; s appetite.

As onions contain sulfur compounds, eating with tomatoes increases the uptake of lycopene, which protects against cancer and heart disease, as well as the brain, bones and eyes.

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