Whole milk reduces the risk of clot formation


Masrawy –

A recent medical study blunted all beliefs about whole milk and the effect of cholesterol and fats on the human body, concluding that this milk is beneficial for the arteries and not so harmful that people think. Eating whole milk reduces the risk of strokes, heart attacks and arterial blockages, and does not increase these risks, and can lead to a longer life, not as short as people think , according to the British Daily Telegraph.

It is known that most of those who want to eat healthy or who want to lose weight and enjoy good health avoid consuming whole milk and have low fat, because of the high fat content whole milk. Researchers found no evidence linking dairy fats, heart disease and stroke, but found that certain types of dairy fats could protect the body from strokes and reduce the risk of strokes. Obstruction of the arteries. "Our findings support the growing evidence that dairy fats do not increase the risk of heart disease or adult mortality," said Dr. Marcia Otto of the University of Texas, United States, who said directed the research team.

"In addition to not affecting the mortality rate, fatty acids found in dairy products can reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, especially stroke."

The researchers evaluated a number of biological indicators of milk and heart mortality in 22 years until they achieved these surprising and surprising results.

This article (Women's World: Shock Study: Whole Milk Reduces Risk of Stroke) (Translated by the search engine and the site was transferred from the source (Masrawy), and n & rsquo; Does not express the point of view of the site and not the editorial policy, but the responsibility for the news and the validity lies with the original publisher: Masrawy facebook-jssdk & # 39; if (d.getElementById (id)) {return;} js = d.createElement (<script>); js.id = id; js.async = true; js.src = "http: // connect.facebook.net/ar_AR/all.js#appId=&xfbml=1";d.getElements ByTagName (& # 39; head & # 39;) [0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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