Why do certain mutations occur in embryos?


Solving a 20-year-old mystery: Why do certain mutations occur in embryos? "Why some mutations occur in embryos?", A 20-year mystery solution: Why some mutations occur in embryos? We publish your news today through our news observatory and start with the most important news, solving a 20-year-old mystery: Why are some mutations occurring in embryos?

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Scientists from the European Molecular Science Laboratory (EMBL) Solved a mystery of more than 20 years linked to the first moments of cell division in mammalian embryos. The belief that a mandolin is responsible for separating fetal chromosomes into two cells is a completely false belief because there are two pins, each badigned to each group of parental chromosomes, which means that the information The genetics of both parents remain separate during the first division process.

The presence of a dual axis – a cellular device that binds chromosomes and is responsible for their separation – can explain the high rate of errors in the early stage of mammalian embryos.

The group leader who carried out the scientific study, Jean Elinberg, says that the purpose of the project is to try to explain the existence of random mutations in the early stages of the formation of mammalian embryos. In his comments, Jean says that the European laboratory of molecular sciences has that insects have double spindles that separate parental chromosomes in the first stage of embryos. "But new discoveries say that mammals also have double spindles, and that's a big surprise."

Scientists have always seen parental chromosomes occupy two half-moon shaped parts in the nucleus of embryos consisting of two cells, but there was no explanation, and the new study for solve the mystery that lasts for twenty years, Separation of parental chromosomes during fetal formation.

The discovery of double spindles in mammals provides an unknown mechanism and therefore a possible explanation for some of the common mutations that we see during embryo formation. The discovery creates new molecular targets, and it will be important to know if this method works with the same mechanism in humans, which can provide valuable information for research on how to improve the treatment of cancer. infertility, for example.

The paper was also enlightened on the legislation of some countries, in which the law states that human life begins – and therefore protects – when maternal and paternal nuclei are integrated after fertilization If the double spindle works in humans and mice, The beginning of life is inaccurate because the fusion occurs a little late after the first cell division.

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