Why do health experts prefer black coffee mixed with milk?


Health experts warned obese people to drink coffee with milk because of the calories they contain, or 56.6 calories.

They advised, according to the website "Bold Sky", that people suffering from obesity drink black coffee without adding milk because they contain a few calories not exceeding 4.5.

They point out that black coffee has many advantages, because it provides more human card because it is more concentrated, unlike coffee mixed with milk, which loses strength, but at the same time they prevent caffeine , which helps to sleep, so it is recommended to mix milk and coffee at night.

Health experts have confirmed that the benefits of black coffee protect against liver cancer and stimulate concentration and depression, facilitate metabolism, and reduce the risk of heart disease, paralysis, and type II diabetes.

They showed that coffee is one of the fastest metabolites in humans, which helps to purify the body by expelling bacteria and viruses while urinating, while advising those who have "acidity" not to drink. Always provide all that is best .. Forward news from all news sources and make it easy to read. Do not forget the IK work for our Facebook page and follow the latest news on Twitter. With regard to the family of Oyoun Al Khaleej, why do health experts prefer black coffee mixed with milk? , Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive new news constantly.
Source: Saudi Arabia 24

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