Why do men become more autistic than women?


Scientists from the University of Maryland (United States of America) found that men were more likely to develop autism and schizophrenia than women.

The study, published in Nature Communications, According to "Russia Today", "the scientific reasons for the incidence of male autism more than women":

These findings include people with schizophrenia and attention deficit disorder, dyslexia and mental retardation, Scientists of the gene "OGT" responsible for this discrepancy between the proportions of neurological diseases

The gene "H3K27me3" in the # 39; study badociated with these diseases, which affects the composition of the proteins responsible for the diet of the placenta is still in the uterus

The scientists concluded that the gene "OGT" is linked to the female chromosome " "" Is more active in women than in men, which may explain the multiple injuries of neurological diseases in men

"Signs of autism of your child":

– If you avoid the contact with eyes or contact

– Do not interact with your mother, do not answer her voice, do not look at her, do not be distracted by the social signals of her friends and family.

– If the baby does not make a noise during the lactation process, it is known as the familiar "sucking", sign of the character exits at the beginning of its pronunciation.

The signs of autism are more pronounced at the age of two years.

– People who suffer from autism often have physical symptoms, such as digestive problems such as constipation, and sleep problems.

It is advisable for doctors to have physical symptoms such as constipation and sleep problems. The sooner parents discover the autism disorder of the child, the better will be the Stqubla child, and head to the nearest clinic for genetic counseling for treatment.

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