Why do some people snore?


We sleep for two obvious reasons, to rest and relax, after surviving another day, while maintaining energy for the next day, and to facilitate the transfer of lessons learned from our long-term memory to the long-term memory.

It is clear that when our bodies relax, our muscles fall asleep.

Antenna muscles, parts that are not supported by cartilage – such as the tongue, soft palate, uvula, and tonsils – block when the airways pbad through. These breathing structures cause vibrations and disturbances.

Snoring is only the noise resulting from these vibrations and disturbances, and the narrower airway, the sound of snoring produced.

While snoring is common and intriguing in a number of mammals, its intriguing nature forces us to wonder if we should be alarmed by our mysterious voices.

Presentation and non-sickness:

Sleep therapists realize that snoring is not a disease, but shows a high snoring symptom of sleep apnea syndrome, a disorder of sleep. sleep known as sleep apnea or problems, require the patient to wake up every period to breathe air.

The patient's oxygen is reduced due to the closure of the airways, and the lack of oxygen for more than a few seconds wakes up the body in response to normal breathing These temporary awakenings are intermittent, causing a disturbing sleep.

Severe blockage of the airways in the patient increases the disruption of the duct and worsens the sound of snoring.

Lack of sleep – important for our diet – affects our behavior Patients who complain of sleep apnea syndrome suffer from fatigue and exhaustion during the day, physically and mentally, sleepy and forgetful. Focus, and emotionally restless.

Sleep Apnea Syndrome is usually treated by wearing an air circulation device (APC): a mask that blows air into the patient's body through nasal opening, or through the hole of the nose with the mouth

Blockage only:

However, not all coughs indicate throat cancer!

A study found that in 44% and 28% of men and women who snore, 4% and 2% of them only suffer from sleep apnea syndrome.

One of us can suffer more severe snoring because of the size

To prevent their tongues from blocking the airways, they are advised to sleep on their side and not on the back, and in addition to this position, some take a lying position behind their backs,

Of the other causes of self-induced snoring, alcohol severely inhibits muscle activity, and So increases snoring, also causes smoking in the nose tissue.Inflammation and swelling in the narrowing of the esophagus. So the airways.

Taking off all of this is the perfect solution.

Add to that a cold and allergies, which can cause troublesome blockages in the airways, and can be removed by nasal droplets or steroid sprays.

In addition to getting older, the older you get, the easier your muscles relax, causing snoring.

  • Translation: Medallion of Tissim
  • Editing: Hossam Safa
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