With the number of seats. Know the result of the coordination of the second stage


I know the result of the coordination of the second phase of the new Kingdom, quoting the seventh day, we publish the number of sessions .. I know the result of the coordination of the second phase, the number of meeting ..

The Kingdom of Bahrain publishes "The Kingdom of News", the result of the second phase of coordination for students of the scene, shortly after its announcement by Dr. Khalid Abdul Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

The student of the second stage of coordination knows his result thanks to his seat number.

Dr. Khalid Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, has announced the start of the third phase of the coordination of admission to universities 2018, as well as the students of the first and second stages after the Announces the results of remittances. In a press conference held today, Abdul Ghaffar added that the results of the second phase of the scientific and literary division were 205 degrees, 50% for 56,828 students in the scientific division and 3,127 students in the literary division for a total of 88105 students.

To see the result of the coordination, click here ..

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