Witness of the signing of the contract for the creation of the second black sand plant in Kafr El Sheikh


General Nasr Nasr, Governor of Kafr El-Sheikh and Chief of Staff of Izz al-Din Saleh Abdul Rashid, President and CEO, signed Thursday the creation of the company Sino-American Black Sands in the new investment zone of northwestern Borlus. Director of the Chinese Company, Engineer Radhi Amin, Secretary General of the Governorate, Brigadier General Sameh El Tanobi, Military Adviser, Major General Shokry El Gendy, Accountant Fathi El Sharkawy, Dr. Mona Abd El Aati, Members of the House of Representatives and several executive leaders in the governorate .

The governor of Kafr al-Sheikh said that the signing of the contract awarding the second black sand separation plant in the new investment zone on an area of ​​35 acres to the northwest from Borollos. The governor is the second plant is the black sand in Kafr El Sheikh on a 35-acre acreage next to the Alborlos power plant, which is one of the objectives of mining economic ores and other black sand materials in Kafr El Sheikh. The establishment of black sand separation plant in the northeast of Borollos on an area of ​​80 acres, with joint investment between the governorate of Kfar Shalikh, the National Service of the Armed Forces, the Nuclear Materials Authority and the National Investment Bank. A metal component of black sand, based on 41 unique industries in the world, to maximize the use of available economic resources and the added value of minerals extracted from black sand and train Egyptian cadres working in this field, thus contributing to the diversification and development of the Egyptian economy. And the exploitation of the increase in global demand for the export of surplus production to the world market .

The governor of Kafr al-Sheikh, as the establishment of the second sand factory In the investment area northwest of Baltim will be established in one year in an area in cooperation with the party Chinese to separate the minerals from the black sand in the dunes in the new investment zone in the north of the province to the possibility of investment lands that are being violated He pointed out that Kafr El-Sheikh will reach the l & # 39; Egypt in the coming years through various industries set up by the state in the governorate of Kafr Al-Sheikh, under the leadership of President Abdul-Fattah al-Sisi, President of the Republic . "I am one of the most fervent of Kafr al-Sheikh, a milestone in the present and the future of Egypt, our country, Umm Al-Khair and Egypt, are the treasures kindness, "said General Ezzedine Saleh, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

"He continued Al-Haf" that Kafr El-Sheikh has a fighting battalion and a fighting spirit in the development of their province and I am happy to be in Kafr El-Sheikh, the largest factory of black sand in order to enjoy the youth and the optimal exploitation of black sand.

General Shukry El-Gendy said in his speech that Egypt has the highest black sand reserves in the world and that this wealth is for all Egyptians and that the Egyptian economy will depend on 50 various productions of Kafr El-Sheikh. Agriculture The most important are the sugar and energy projects, including the grand prize, the black sand, the production of fish and other goods and wealth in advance, thanking President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi and the General Nasr, Governor of Kafr El-Sheikh. . [ad_2]
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