Yemen is now targeting the tanker. The Houthi adventure will work on a strategic shift in the war in Yemen


The horrific escalation of Huthi rebels by targeting two Saudi oil tankers off the west coast of Yemen, the absence of any local Yemeni program and the attachment of all their political and military decisions to the war. Iran and its interests and conflicts in the interior and outside of the region.

At the same time, he stressed the feasibility and even the inevitability of the military option to complete the liberation of the western Yemeni coast, including the city of Hodeidah and its port, from the control of the militia pro-Iranian.

Political experts described the targeting of the Houthi oil tanker militia in the international Red Sea shipping corridor with a dangerous adventure that would bring about a strategic shift in the course of the war in Yemen.

Political sources have suggested the reversal of the Houthi escalation and the announcement by Saudi Arabia to stop exporting its shipments via Bab al-Mandab directly on the course of the war and on the international position to convince most of the hesitant countries of the liberation of Hodeidah.

The Houthis blew up their exposure to international shipping The UN envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffith, has made efforts to peacefully resolve the issue of Hodeidah province and then revive a resolution pacific of the whole Yemeni file. Iran's interest, its willingness to escalate and send messages about its ability to use its weapons to threaten international shipping and disrupt the flow of oil to world markets compel the Houthis to bomb the two Saudi carriers the same day as Griffith to Sanaa to inform them of Yemeni government positions. Their answer to that.

The Houthi Footsteps did not indicate that the rebels were interested in keeping Hodeidah away from the war, nor in the humanitarian aspect of its population, which was the main reason for the temporary cessation of military operations of the Arab League to liberate the province. ] The badyst and military and strategic expert of Saudi Brigadier Hbadan al-Shahri told the "Arabs" the decision to suspend the export of oil via the international sea route of Bab al-Mandab, stating that this strategic decision was aimed at: The world must badume its responsibilities vis-à-vis Iran and that Saudi Arabia can no longer withstand the failure of the world and ignore the threat that poses Tehran to international peace and security.

"Saudi Arabia will not make more sacrifices and will not bear the consequences in the name of the world as the pressures of the international environment continue to delay the release of the remaining Yemeni ports on the Red Sea coast under the pretext of a political solution. " 19659003]

He emphasizes that the Saudi decision will take on greater significance with the accession of other countries to the list of commentators for their oil exports pbading through this corridor which will put the world to the test and will increase international vigilance on the risks of the Iranian regime of the world peace system. "The Saudi action sends a message to the international community that reflects the reality of what is exposed to international shipping in the Bab al-Mandab Strait," said Saudi writer and political scientist Abdullah al-Hariri. -Otaibi. Commercial and oil ships of the Houthi militia.

Colonel Yahya Abuhatm, Yemeni military and strategic expert, will stop oil shipments through Bab al-Mandab, as a strategic decision will shake the global economy and the international community will be aware of the dangers of silence on the ground. Houthi and Iran terrorism in the region. He said.

In a statement to the Arabs, Abohotam says that the Houthi terrorist operation comes a few days after similar Iranian threats to the Strait of Hormuz, forcing the world to know that "the weakness of the Council of United Nations and United Nations security against Houthi terrorist militia and behind them Qatar, which now threatens the freedom of shipping, will be very expensive unless there are firm positions and strict enforcement of relevant resolutions of the Security Council. "

" Saudi Arabia's decision is immediate, "Algerian Minister of Energy, Industry and Mines Khalid bin said on Wednesday Abdul Aziz al-Falih, adding that "Saudi Arabia suspends any crossing of the Bab al-Mandab Strait." The Saudi minister stressed that "the threats of the Huthi terrorist militias against the crude tankers affect the libe international trade and shipping at Bab al-Mandab and the Red Sea ".

Yemeni journalist Kamal al-Salami said in a statement to the Arabs that the targeting of the Houthis of the two Saudi oilers cast a shadow over the course of the conflict in Yemen and made the release of Hodeidah and the securing the West Coast a top priority.

Al-Salami explained that Saudi Arabia's announcement to suspend oil deliveries via Bab al-Mandab would reverberate in the global energy market, which would warn the world that the terrorist group Houthi represented a global threat. Content (Yemen is now targeting the tanker .. Adventure ho Will be a strategic change in the war in Yemen) is transferred by the search engine site and has been transferred from the source (Brakshnet), and does not reflect the point of view of the website and release policy, but the responsibility of the publisher is Barkash Net. function (d) {var js, id = & # 39; facebook-jssdk & # 39 ;; if (d.getElementById (id)) {return} js = d.createElement (& # 39; script & # 39;); = id; js.async = true; js.src = "";d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(js); } (document)); [ad_2]
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