Yemeni army announces the release of new Houthi holdings in battles east of Sana'a


Yemeni army forces loyal to the legitimate government on Tuesday managed to release new positions from the grip of Houthi gunmen in the direction of Nham East from Sanaa.

A statement from the armed forces, as seen by the German News Agency (DPA), The Arab-backed Air Force Forces of the Arab Coalition were able to release new positions on the Nhm front, after continuous fighting against the Houthi militia, causing heavy losses in equipment and human lives. "

In several places, on sites where militias are stationed in a soft zone, during which they were able to do Liberation of a number of important sites, including the Nuhad Mountains and the mountains of Rabah and the sites adjacent to the Saleh Saleh overlooking the local valley.

The statement that the fighters of the Arab coalition targeted three raids and reinforcements of militias.

According to the statement, the fighting continues until the end of the war. now, while the Houthis have not commented on these battles until now.

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