You get a new language after its original language is amputated because of cancer


After a large part of her tongue was amputated by a malignant tumor, an American found her pronunciation and sense of taste by surgery during which a new tongue was adjusted

early 2017 , Cynthia Zamora, 57, San Diego, As she was suffering from a cancer of the tongue, the doctors told her that they needed to remove a large part of her tongue.

In April of this year, doctors removed the tumor and cut off a small portion of the thigh before linking it to the root of its original tongue.

Zamora regained his sense of taste and speech after physical, radiological and chemical therapy. About workout sessions to learn to talk and eat with your new language.

For nearly two months, the women's situation has greatly improved, allowing them to taste a Kentucky fried chicken for the first time since they succumbed to cancer, in the British Daily Mail .

News: The secrets of the week: you get a new language after amputation of its original language because of cancer .. Leave the newspaper of secrets of the week responsible for the full content of this news, but the responsibility lies with the original publisher of the news. The most important news published

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