You may have cancer in the resort


In the summer, people go to the beaches for their hobbies and vacations, but everyone should know that sunscreens taken by people during the holidays can cause skin cancer.

The exposure of the skin to sunlight, which contains ultraviolet rays, causes a lot of damage, and at best, severe sunlight can cause skin cell death and, at worst, the cells remain and become cancerous. .

Skin for example, constantly bombarded by high energy ultraviolet light that wreaks havoc on DNA, there are "telomeres", which are protective areas at the ends of the chromosomes carrying carriers. DNA.

Studies in humans have shown that people with telomere suffer from anemia, heart disease and death: each year, telomeres become shorter and some cells stop proliferating.

Ultraviolet and metabolic damage causes telomere shortening and can lead to cancer and aging.

One of the cases of telomere destruction is called "molecular sunburn" and is formed when the UV energy of two adjacent units of DNA glue together, changing its normal function .

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