Now Artagirl Series, You see it on the official website of the exclusive light carrier of the Artegrel series translated and high quality integral, Artegrel 150 bright link.
Thousands of citizens of the Arab world and around the world are watching the latest episode of the Turkish Artagirl series, which was shown on Wednesday, 29-5-2019 and witnessed the pbading of Artgrel.
Expect millions of followers in the Arab world and around the world, the latest episode of the Turkish Ertagarl series, witness to controversial events.
On the Turkish TRT1, the last 150 episodes are broadcast every Wednesday of each week, while the series has attracted a wide audience among citizens of the Arab world and around the world.
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Now show ArtGirl the last 150 episodes via the Light Translator site and the TRT TRT channel. Frequency of Transport Channels
A new season, called "Resurrection of Osman", will begin after the death of Artragar over the last 150 episodes. Osman will lead the country, following millions of viewers and followers in the Arab world and around the world.
We will give you the time to air the episode on TRT1 in Turkish, on Lermock, in the country, in the East, in Qatar, in Da & Fur and Fur Shabab, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, as a result of millions of viewers and observers.
The frequency of the conveyor channels The last episode of the Turkish series Artgrel:
Nilesat Qatar Channel
The NileSat East Channel 11137/12604 Horizontal.
The call of the chain Nilesat 10727
Nilesat Yarmouk, cbad 11678
Nilesat Channel 4 Youth 11137
The NileSat channel is Watan 11012 horizontal
And Nilesat Qatar TV 10719
And Suhail Sat Qatar TV 11604
And Türksat 42 ° E TRT 1 HD Turkey 11054.
The last date of the last episode of the Artgrel series:
The last episode of the Artgrel series on TRT1 in Turkish will be held Wednesday at 8.30pm Eastern Time, at 9.30pm and 3.30pm in the United Arab Emirates.
Thursday at 8 pm and Friday at 2 pm on the Yarmouk range
And Al Watan Channel Thursday – 23h.
And the Al-Sharq channel aired the series every day from 2 pm to noon and the next day at 4 pm
Al-Dawa channel on Thursday at 9pm and return on Friday at 1:30 pm.
Details of the last episode of the Artgrel series:
The latest episode of the Turkish series Artegrel will see the death of Artagarl and Osman lead the country, to end the fifth season, waiting for millions of viewers and observers in the Arab world and the world, the latest episode of the Turkish series Artagirl, for its controversial events.
Elilbigi was taken to the Kai tribe to be treated with the poison that Serma had given him. The doctor can find a cure for Artok for this poison and treat it.
His son Osman will take the reins of the Ottoman Empire from the new season, which will begin on the same dates as the series Artgrel and on the same channels as the series.
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