Your tongue is your horse;


"Your tongue is your horse, as popular as known, but what about the signs that appear on the tongue and indicate health problems?

On the medical side, some signs on the tongue indicate health problems and are often a harbinger of diseases you do not know.

We provide you with 12 warning signs that your language has sent us regarding your health, according to Mind Body Green, and other sources. We confirm that this information is general and for reference only and is not binding. do not prevent consulting a doctor.

1- There is a white layer above the tongue
This white layer appears on the surface of the tongue because of the proliferation of yeast, a condition known as oral saliva. In fact, there are fungi and microbes that live normally in our bodies, but they sometimes escape control and can cause problems.

These fungi appear due to the absence of oral bacteria, which usually maintain the yeast, in addition to the fact that the intake of antibiotics causes the growth of fungi.

This can be eliminated by brushing your teeth and the surface of your tongue permanently. Consult your doctor to find out if there is a particular medication that removes bacteria in the mouth, thus allowing the fungus to grow on the tongue.

2- The dotted white tongue
If the spots are white and small, it can also be a sign of mouthwash, then clean your mouth every day. If the problem persists or worsens, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

3. red tongue
If your tongue has an abnormal red color, you may have a bacterial infection. If you also notice that you have a sore throat, consult your doctor immediately. In the absence of sore throats, the tongue turns red simply because you need to take more vitamin B and iron. Consume foods such as lentils, beans, spinach, lean meats and fish.

4. sweet tongue
The tongue is healthy if its surface is rough, because of the presence of small papillae. But if your tongue is thinner than usual, it may indicate vitamin B12 or iron deficiency, which can cause taste bud atrophy.

5. Black language
The black tongue is a benign condition in which the filiform papillae are enlarged and elongated on the surface of the tongue, turning into brownish black.

This occurs because the taste buds stop shedding dead skin cells as usual, which lengthens them, then the bacteria and food residues accumulate on the "hair" protrusions and the color then changes to "black".

This situation is related to several factors, such as:

The disease usually improves without long-term consequences as long as the causative agent is stopped and the patient is careful to wash his mouth.

6. Blue or purple language
If your tongue turns purple or blue, it's probably an indicator of poor circulation. However, in some cases, the color change may indicate a defect in the nervous system. If the problem persists, consult your doctor.

7- lines on the tongue
A tongue with irregular, grid-like white lines may indicate a problem with the immune system, a condition known as a shallow, flat throat, a chronic inflammatory disease that destroys the mucous membranes of the mouth.

This condition causes pain or tenderness in the mouth with white or red spots on the cheeks, cheeks, and gums. If you have any of these symptoms, see your doctor as soon as possible, especially as this condition can lead to other more serious problems.

Why is the language white? (Pixabee)

8. Crisp language
Although cracks on the surface of the tongue are quite common, deep cracks can indicate a problem with the immune system and require the intervention of a health care professional. Even if they turn out to be benign, cracks on the surface of your tongue are ideal places to hide bacteria. You will need to clean your tongue more than usual to prevent infections.

9 – plates on the tongue
The irregular white or red spots that appear on the surface of your tongue (also called "geographic language") is a harmless health problem that usually results from mild irritation, such as contact with hot or sour foods. These spots can also occur due to excessive smoking or even sensitivity to toothpaste or mouthwash.

10 – ulcers
If you have an ulcer in your tongue or elsewhere in your mouth and you are not cured after more than a week, see your doctor immediately.

Hyperplasia of the tongue
The hyperplasia of the tongue is often an indication of the inactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). There are many ways to treat the thyroid naturally. However, the discomfort caused by the enlargement of the tongue may require you to seek medical attention.

12 – the thin tongue
A thin tongue or one that looks smaller than normal is a sure sign of dehydration. In most cases, you can quickly remedy this problem by increasing your daily water consumption. If the problem persists and you are absolutely sure of drinking enough water, you should consult your doctor to find a solution to the problem.

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