YouTube tests the "Explorer" tab to view new channels and videos


  YouTube Service Tests
YouTube test "Explore" tab to view new channels and videos

YouTube Test "Explore" tab to see new channels and videos Nbadim News We are releasing the YouTube service to test the # 39; "Explorer" tab to display new channels and videos. YouTube tests the "Explore" tab to view new channels and videos. New channels and videos Test the new "Explore" tab with only 1% of users of the application on the iOS system.

There is no doubt that there is no service and you want to spend as much time as possible to apply, following more advertisements, thus harvesting more profits. To this end, most services try to customize a section of their apps to bring you new content for fear that you've been tired of the content you're already following.

These services include YouTube testing a new section in its application at IOS "Explorer, it looks like it's going to replace the Trends tab." As with this type of tab, the new Explore tab will be dedicated to the presentation of new channels and videos.

YouTube is currently testing the new "Explore" tab with only 1% of users on iOS, According to Tom Leung, director of YouTube's product management department.

The new Exploration tab will recommend videos based on what viewers already see, but with a "wider reach" than that of the main screen

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Naseem News, YouTube service Check out the "Explore" tab to see new channels and videos, follow us on our social networking sites to receive new news all the time.

Source: Andorid

  George Khoury

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